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Hi, I’m reading the manual, but there’s something that doesn’t quite add up for me: why the breathless system? I’ve always seen it used in survivor games because of the strength that gradually fades over time, but here I’m struggling to understand the reason for such a… punitive system toward the character. Is it because they’re no longer living beings and so the intent was to emphasize that aspect?

Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity in providing PWYW copies of your game. I’m a disabled pension who can’t afford much so these free games really help me out in being able to get games and keeping my mind active. When I find a game I really like I come back when I can spare some money to support the creators and get any other games or expansions.

I really appreciate your hard work and kindness in providing PWYW copies.

This looks really great! Would love to see with Galen Illos, like stoneburner. any update on physical printing?


I would so love to buy a hardcopy of this and your Firelights game! Amazing systems for solo players like me.


Hey! Physical copies are coming soon. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when they are available ^^


This is a really cool system! Might use this for some solo play in the future.

Heads up that it looks like you've got a typo on the character sheet on page 63. Both boxes next to Dexterity and Willpower say "current" when I think the ones on the left should say "initial" just like Strength's boxes above them?


Oh thank you so much, so happy you like the game. Thanks for the info regarding the issue in the character sheet. I pushed a fix in v1.5.


Amazing layout from an amazing creator. Gonna try this game out solo sometime. Check this out, y’all!


Thank you so much 🖤


Fari has once again refined an already amazing system (Breathless) to fit the needs of a modern TTRPG player. The highly enjoyable risk vs. reward mechanic of dice value degradation (do an action, dice value goes down until a rest) is the highlight of the system, in my opinion. You will feel connected to your actions and the risk that your character is taking to perform them. When you character finally grows in strength, you will treasure the higher starting value as just rewards.

Tales of the Burned Stones is an amazing triumph from a creator that just keeps going and getting better with every release. I cannot recommend it enough for players, and especially for aspiring designers (myself included).



I must say, this totally made my day. Thank you so much for the kind words. You have no idea how much they mean.


Thanks for offering the game for free. I love lowering skills temporarily as ability costs. Were you inspired by anything in particular for that mechanic?


My pleasure! Super happy you loved what you saw.

The "skills stepping down" idea is based on Breathless, another one of my games. The using skills as a meta currency is something I came up with explicitly while developing TotBS' sibling game, Stoneburner.

I knew I wanted to include some sort of currency you had to spend to power abilities, but was very on the fence about including some sort of point system. Didn't want the game to have too many moving pieces.

Then it clicked, I already had that currency: skills. Plus, using them as a way to power abilities would further reinforce the need to catch your breath, thus adding more complication and drama to the narrative!


Looks amazing! Thank you for offering this for free/PWYW!


Thank you so much! And yeah, of course ^^ really wanted to make this as accessible as I could!